Two Dozen Red Rose Bouquet

Two Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
This double dozen of beautiful red roses, is the perfect way to show someone how much you care.
  • Don't forget to add a free personalised gift message which will be included on a small card.
  • Your flowers will then be sent to you via a UK courier delivery service. If your order is placed before 4pm Monday to Sunday, your flowers will be delivered the next day between 7am and 7pm unless you choose to schedule the delivery for another date.
  • Our flowers arrive in bud and will take 24
  • 48 hours to bloom.
  • Once the recipient receives their bouquet, we recommend discarding the moisture pouch that they are shipped in and trimming the stems before placing them in water. We've also included flower food and a “how to care for your flowers” card to help keep the flowers looking their best for as long as possible. For more advice, see our guide on How to Make Your Flowers Last Longer.
  • Our flowers are grown in the UK and internationally and often shipped while budding to ensure that they stay fresh during transit, as well as allowing you to enjoy them for as long as possible. So, don't worry if the flowers aren't in full bloom when they're received. Please note that stems may vary according to stock availability.
  • Bouquet includes: 24 x Madame Red Rose 40cm, 5 x White Gypsophila.
  • Please Note: Vase not included.
Product Code: 1554257
Availability: In Stock
£73.51 Price in reward points: 0.0000

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